Jabbermax Mission:

Make conversation about small business to inspire thriving and creative communities.

What’s Jabbermax About?

I’m Max of Jabbermax. I began as a freelance writer and small business administrative assistant in 2017. But long before that, I was inspired by the creative and influential spirit of small business owners.

Through various family connections and local relationships, I had the opportunity to see how building a community around a business made real impact in our communities. As a kid I enjoyed reading about people of history who took a leap based on an idea – in turn forging new paths for the like-minded.

I learned early that inventors, innovators, writers, connection-makers, artists, musicians, technicians, creators, crafters, and idea-chasers of all kinds have made an impact on individuals and communities across time and cultures. I knew someday I might own a business, or write something helpful, or build something impactful. I just didn’t know what it would take.

After years of building up skills, learning in an array of work environments, and struggling with making time for my education and creative endeavors, I started a business with my mix-match collection of skills and interests.

I began by offering services to small businesses, getting connected to small business resource centers, and networking. I knew my first customer personally, but I earned their business separately. I had to prove I was willing to do the work; I was honest about what I had to learn.

Through my years of gaining clients, losing clients, asking for client referrals, and networking even when I didn’t want a client – I continued to gain experience little by little and learned more about what it takes to start and run a business.

As I grew my own business, I learned more about how I could help the small business community. I learned I don’t just want to serve the Small Business community, I want to advocate for it. I want to  learn how we can raise the bar on how small businesses serve our communities.

Communities connect through services and products that meet needs and inspire creativity. The Jabbermax mission is to make conversations around small business to inspire those thriving and creative communities.

Jabbermax Vision:

To build a community for small business owners, independent contractors, creators, innovators, young entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, microbusinesses, artists, inventors, freelancers, crafters, artisans, non-profit organizers, and all IMPACT-MAKERS.

Jabbermax objective is to create content and offer products that address the passions, personalities, and day-to-day problems that are relevant to the community-building SBOs of today.

The vision is to focus on the business owners and the human spirit that drives their impact but more resources for business building will be available as the site is built as well. If you’re building your vision, too- join the conversation.

Let’s talk about your business.

About the

Balanced-Life Collection

The Balanced-Life Collection was born on an evening of rest and creativity.

As a new entrepreneur I had difficulty managing my time. Not only did working from home provide lots of distractions, but it offered no change of scenery to queue when to clock out.

In my efforts to let myself (and my family) know which hours were work hours and which were personal hours, I tried many methods. But short of locking myself in one room and denying myself the enjoyment of my whole house – nothing was super effective.

But I knew commanding my time was important.

One night while I was effectively “clocked out” but still pondering this issue, I created a set of drawings.

Then it hit me! I’m not the only one who deals with this issue. I talk with small business owners all the time…we all struggle with work-life balance!

From then on, I couldn’t shake the vision of creating the Balanced-Life Collection for Impact-Makers. I knew the Jabbermax website HAD to have a shop and that this HAD to be featured.

I hope it helps. I hope it helps you send the signal to yourself and others when you’re at the DAILY GRIND and when it’s your TIME TO UNWIND.

About the

Mental Monsters Collection

The Mental Monsters Collection was made for the SBOs who inspired them.

After a few years of weaving in and out of my business, I realized I had trouble convincing myself to grow or take bigger risks. Yet I knew this was essential to understanding and doing better business.

These mental barriers would stop me from making important connections or even from picking up great clients.

The more I reflected on conversations with other business owners, I thought it would be a great topic to write about since many had their own untapped visions as well. It seemed there were common thought patters that hold us back.

We say we will someday, but we don’t.

We say we want to, but we cant.

We have obstacles, so what’s the use?

. . .

One night I’m trying to sleep and that “one-day” dream re-enters my head, the one I’ve done nothing about.

I tell myself I am going to get to that…just wait and see. And that’s when I heard the voice ask me…When? Just as it’s asked me before.

But this time, I wondered who else hears that shrieking “When” fly through the window of their brain when they are dreaming up their ideas that make impact? I wondered if their mental monster was as menacing as mine. I wondered if these monsters stop all of us from pursuing something!?

From then on, I began to imagine those questions and doubts as figurative illustrations – ones I could easily acknowledge, but not feel threatened by. And I knew this was something my community could really resonate with.

This sparked a trend in my thinking. So I began to illustrate the many issues myself and others struggle through with this kind of imagery.

Next came the dreaded IMPOSTER SYDROME! Self doubt – we often tell ourselves the lies that keep us from realizing our impact. This guy was about as nasty as they come. Sneaky and full of lying statements that keep us from understanding our journey is meant to teach us.

Through my conversations with other freelancers, SBOs, creative impact-makers and every dreamer in between, it soon becomes evident that we all struggle with this beast from time to time.

So I hope it helps. I hope you enjoy the Mental Monsters Collection and collect the one that taunts you. Reduce it to a mere cartoon, live creatively, and make  your impact.

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Jabbermax is about how you inspire us to try new things and spread great ideas that grow thriving leaders.

It’s about engaging in learning and being creative for the sake of connection.

Small businesses are no small business. And the people who start them are community heroes.

Promote, Inspire, Educate

Let’s help you PROMOTE the things you love! Your community can be built through the resources and ideas you share!
Jabbermax loves small businesses and creators who love to get creative and make an impact.
Good content will INSPIRE your community into action. What are you trying to inspire?
Ideas and conversations here are made for just this. Join the ongoing conversation, and let’s make quality content.
Each quality blog and conversation helps EDUCATE your community. How can you share your knowledge more effectively?
Let’s talk about your business. Growing a great content plan can have you serving up P.I.E with more flavor and unique style.
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