The Might Owl

The Mental Monster Who Taunts Your Ambition

The Haunting Hunter

The Might Owl is the nocturnal daydreamer’s “whenevermore” raven.

Emerging nightly from the dark hideaway where you keep your creative darlings – a gaping field of vision and farsighted as can be, always calling out the same question.

You remain haunted by your imagination, never to sleep under hounding echoes of –

“One day, I might start my business and …”

“WHEN?” The Might Owl shrieks. High-pitch cries and yellow eyes affixed to you. And what answer do you have?

“I might write that book about…”

“WHEN?” Screeches out again, expectant of you to nail down the abstract and nagging ideas you hide away during the day.

“After I develop this talent more I might…”

“WHEN?” You hear repeatedly, wondering if the swooping creature will ever go back to the quiet burrow of forgotten dreams and leave you to your musings without the constant noisy questioning.

But The Might Owl is a long-distance traveler. Remaining in silent flight, sharp and focused to swallow whole any faint squeak of ambition that scurries across the dreamer’s abyss.

Someday you might pursue that dream – The Might Owl screams, “WHEN?”

And so you keep waking up to the same question.

“WHEN?” The alarm smacks against your skull in the morning. You are either an intruder or disrupter with your brilliant way of thinking-you know you have a contribution. So The Might Owl stares you down with his tick-tock eyes- you also have something to contend with:


There is only so much of it. Capital can be acquired. Grit you can build.

But when time is gone and there is no replacing it. While you’re waiting to start, time will swoop like a thief, taking not only your present, but your future, too.

Then you’re left counting the number of times you never answered such a screaming yawp as,


Bring your vision to life?

If you were to find a way to silence The Might Owl, you may consider answering the haunting, hunting question  – WHEN?

WHEN will you get started? WHEN will you bring your vision to life? WHEN will you stop letting  a shrieking Might Owl keep you alert of passing time and instead claim your day?!

WHEN will you let lack of education or experience keep you from education and experience? WHEN will you stop choosing to put your chances in someone else’s hands again?             WHEN will you go after it yourself, instead?

Learning and doing are two wings of a bird taking you on that dream flight you’ve fantasized about repeatedly.

  • You learn the technique.
  • You apply the education.
  • You set the goals.
  • You do the ground work.
  • You fail and learn and keep trying.

You finally answer the question of WHEN?

Now! Now is the time you start.

How does your Might Owl stalk you?

Are you going to answer?

The hunt will either continue, or the dream will be brought into the day.

When you start the work of growing your vision, visions become concepts, concepts become goals, goals become projects, projects become failures, failures become victories, and victories become a part of histories.

The Might Owl will then contend with the beasts of behemoth triumphs. Beasts who have war cries all their own to silence the haunting and reverberating “WHEN?”

Those beastly howls echo with an unendurable:


Your swooping and screeching Might Owl will know the territory belongs to you, the dynamo – and not the daydreamer.  

Reduce your Might Owl to a cartoon and make your impact!
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