What is the Impact-Maker Recipe?

If you want to make an impact, serve up some PIE.

An impact-maker is more than a business owner or content creator. An impact-maker grows a community. We don’t recognize you by your fancy lifestyle, but by your reputation.

These hard-working, question-asking, problem-solving leaders in our towns, cities, and states are always  ninja-flexing through red tape to fill a need.

We have all been a part of something that was designed to take from us. We have all had our time, our money, or our attention cleverly swindled with fancy packaging but sad quality. You probably still have the bad taste in your mouth.

But impact-makers flip the script and design to make for us.

One of the best recipes that give your community a sweeter taste to remember, is a simple P. I. E. recipe. Growing ingredients like Promote, Inspire, Educate to add into your content and business will produce the robust flavor profile your community craves.

Impact-makers promote things. Not just anything, though. If you are an impact-maker, then you are selectively curating the things you put out there.

You aren’t putting your name on just anything- oh no! You mean business about letting your people know you mean business on their behalf. You only promote things like:

You Promote Services and products that solve problems

It’s not about a bottom line with you. You really have stayed up thinking about how you can be a better business and DO better business. Plenty of products and services do A job, but you want the BEST job done. YOU are an impact-maker.

Beyond affiliations, you listen to your community and you recommend based on our real-life issues. You don’t wait until you can get a cut of the pie. Instead, you realize we’ll be back for more good advice.

You Promote Other people-focused businesses

You spread the wealth don’t you? Somehow you’ve cracked a code that lets you have plenty of what you need and STILL give plenty of what others need. We’re not fools. We know you need to make money – but you make it about more than that.

So you partner up with other businesses and talk about other services that do us good. Keep on promoting, my friend! We see you serving and helping other community businesses. We are ready to return the favor. You don’t just take business, you make business.

You Promote Positive influence and motivation

You impact-makers create a ripple effect, too. You know that your business is better sustained when your community has the means to sustain it. You won’t let yourself be caught up with negative-impact junk.

Not only do you want the positive things, you encourage us to want it, too. You won’t put just any recommendation out there. You scope out the mission and goals so you can be a part of something good.  

Impact-makers are INSPIRATION JUICE. Everything from your content to your conversation is full of information and actionable advice. I’m not just talking about inspiration that just motivates you to go home and buy a book, or purchase a ticket for the next event.

Real inspiration sticks with you. It clings to the ribs like a southern-cooked meal made with love from scratch. It makes you think about how you can get that same sweet, crispy, savory flavor on your own chicken in your own kitchen. It makes your mouth water for something authentic and hardy.

You’re cooking up value like:

Inspiring Purpose and direction

Your giving services and products that help people find or pursue our purpose. You give us the shoes for the starting line and the refreshment for the finish line. You’re pointing us toward the goal and showing us the tricks to boost our performance.

You don’t stop at a spark of inspiration. You are ready to get cozy with some fireside stories that people tell at home to our own kids. You don’t just give a dazzle of inspiration, you are spreading a wildfire so real growth can happen.

Inspiring New ideas in your communities

As an impact-maker you know that you don’t have all the answers. You also know that the answers your community might have are pretty valuable. So instead of harvesting an idea or two for profit, you make the soil ready for planting new ideas.

Those new ideas spread new ideas, and new ideas beyond that. You now have a bouquet of opportunities because you started a garden with your idea, instead of hording the fruit for yourself. Whole communities get better variety with that kind of idea-planting attitude.

Inspiring Passion and confidence for your craft

You aren’t one to back off from a few hard knocks, either. You know that hardest steps to take are the ones that are closest to the heat. You know which pitfalls to avoid – so you pass on what you know. Then the rest of us push forward armed with knowledge you trailblazed.  

This kind of service inspires growth. The impact-makers know that someone has to be the first to solve the problems that others wouldn’t. You start trends and tell others they can do it, too. You give the truth about earning confidence through trial and overcoming.

Impact-makers know the value of education. Some education is in the classroom and some happens in the middle of the action. You take both and package your experience so we can go after our own dreams.

You can’t help yourself but to teach. Making an impact means you are always telling others how to move forward. You will put it in every format you can because you don’t want anyone held back from good information.

You’re giving your community::

Education To pass on economic empowerment

Your teachable moments are not just about making you look good. You really want your community to have the kind of hand that would have skyrocketed you to great heights in record time. You teach so we can be the best of ourselves.

You know that each contact you make is a mother trying to feed her kids. A man trying to learn his worth. Or a teenager who is ready to take on bigger challenges than his peers. You realize education is the key to empowering the economy of a person and beyond.

Education To educators who elevate our communities

Education has a way of catching on. When one teacher teaches other teachers- economic and social impact are impossible to fully measure beyond its local time and place.

Education improves quality of life. When we learn, we are more productive and creative. Education expands our worldview. It teaches us about ourselves and those around us. A community is formed when we share things in common and learn from our differences.  

So impact-makers are always ready to teach.

Education For raising the bar in your industry (iron sharpens iron)

You are perpetually a student and a teacher. You know that your company and your industry can be better. You want to help it be the best that it can be. You see things not for what they are, but for what they could be.

As an impact-maker who loves passing on your education, you raise the bar. You make your business associates better. You give us the information we need to make our great ideas work. You create environments for growth, and increase the value of our work in the process.

You’re serving up PIE to your community

If you are an impact-maker, you are always serving up PIE!  We see it in your business and in your blogs. We see it in your videos and in your workshops. We love the community you build and other impact-makers want to be a part of it.

This is the recipe I work with as a writer and as business owner. I pass it on to my clients to use when they make content. This simple formula helps keep the mission focused on creating value.

When you keep value in mind for your content – your operating beyond keywords, SEO, and advertising tricks. Those are for getting attention. But value is why we stick with you. We walk away impacted.

We recommend impact-makers!*

*Unless you are a dentist. In which case, please leave us unimpacted.

What’s your impact? Let us know in the comments. If your content could use some PIE, send an email and let’s talk about your business.

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